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My Book!!!

Herbal medicine is a hot button topic and no longer considered a niche in the alternative health field. However, it isn’t anything new, in fact it’s as old as we are. A return to traditional plant therapy is becoming more mainstream as we recognize the multitude of side effects associated with pharmaceutical remedies.

The information in this e-book is a collection of many, many, many sources of information, consultations, classes and long talks with old healers. I don’t claim to be an expert at all. I simply wish to share information that has helped me and many others. I encourage everyone reading this to let this be a spark to search for more information. There is a lot of information here, but it is only a fraction of the whole plant, so to speak.

Let me go ahead and get this out of the way. In no way is this book intended to replace a doctor’s visit. Go to the doctor. There is sometimes a riff between those that believe in herbal remedies and those that follow what is referred to as “Western Medicine.” There shouldn’t be. Many medicines are derived from herbs and plants, so they can accompany many treatment plans. Conversely, they can also interfere. So, please consult your physician before starting on any self-diagnosed treatment plan. Specifically, if you are pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant.

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