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How to Live in the Moment, One Day at a Time

Image Source: Unsplash

If there’s one thing we all have in common, we can all get caught up worrying about the future from time to time. It’s a natural human response to stress, and it can be particularly common when you’re balancing the demands of work, family, and other personal obligations. However, this type of thinking leads us down a negative path rather than a positive one. When you spend too much time dwelling on what might go wrong or worrying about future events instead of focusing on what’s happening right now, your world contracts rather than expands. You miss out on opportunities for joy and happiness right before your nose because you’re too busy fretting about something possibly coming up later. How can you break free from this cycle and learn to live more fully in the present moment? Read on for some useful tips and tricks…

Be mindful of the present moment

People often talk about the importance of living in the moment, but how can we do it? Amid stressful daily life, it’s easy to get carried away with our thoughts and worries about the future (or even the past). You may not even realize that you’re spending most of your time in your head instead of in the here and now. To truly shift your focus to the present moment, try to slow down and be more mindful of what’s going on around you at the moment. Make an effort to notice more of the sights and sounds around you, and take your time to fully appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around you. Close your eyes sometimes and focus on your breath, which will bring you back to the present moment as well.

You are not your thoughts

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: you are not your thoughts. That means that you don’t have to be ruled by them or let them get on top of you. When you recognize that your thoughts are just that — mere thoughts rather than facts — it’s easier to shift your focus away from that negative train of thought and those worries and fears. If you notice yourself getting swept up in negative thoughts or dwelling on the past, acknowledge this and then simply let it go. You don’t have to give those thoughts any more attention than that. Focus on your breath, or shift your attention to something positive happening in the present moment (such as the warm sun on your skin or the smell of flowers nearby).

Don’t judge yourself too harshly

We’ve all done it — turned our critical eye inward and started judging ourselves for every little perceived failure and imperfection. However, this way of thinking is neither helpful nor necessary. When you catch yourself judging yourself too harshly, try to shift your perspective and think about the things that you appreciate about yourself. Whether it’s your intelligence, your compassion, or your creativity, there are many, many things to love and appreciate about yourself. Remember that you’re human and always growing and evolving — you’re never perfect. When you judge yourself harshly, you close yourself off and shut down opportunities for growth and positive change. Instead, try to focus on your strengths and the things that you’re grateful for about yourself.

Exercise your mind and body

While a daily walk or jog can be a great way to get some exercise, it’s also a great way to clear your head and break out of your overactive thinking patterns. Similarly, meditating or practicing other mindful activities is a great way to let go of those nagging thoughts and worries. When you’re moving and actively engaged in an activity, that’s often easier than trying to break those thoughts by thinking about them and analyzing them. Plus, exercise has been proven to lower stress and help us better deal with negative emotions. It’s a win-win! Similarly, practicing mindful activities such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong can help you to quiet your mind, break out of those overactive thinking patterns, and come back to the present moment.

Cultivate gratitude and appreciation

Taking a moment each day to focus on the things you’re grateful for is a powerful way to shift your mindset away from the negative and toward the positive. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list and the things that you have yet to accomplish, it can be all too easy to get caught up in a cycle of worry and anxiety. However, gratitude and appreciation are great antidotes to negative emotions. When you make it a habit to focus on what you’re grateful for, you’re actively shifting your thoughts away from the negative and toward a more positive frame of mind. You can do this in a variety of ways — you can keep a gratitude journal and write down a few things you’re grateful for each day, you can make it a habit to say thanks more often, or you can keep a gratitude jar where you write down things you’re grateful for and then periodically remove the notes and replace them with new ones.

Don’t forget to laugh

Laughter truly is the best medicine, and it can be a great way to break out of those negative thinking patterns. Whether you watch a video on YouTube, read a silly book or article, or go out and try to enjoy yourself, a good laugh will help clear your mind and release those pent-up emotions.

When you laugh, you’re actively challenging your negative thoughts and replacing them with a feeling of joy and happiness — it’s a great way to combat stress and negative emotions. Laughter has also been proven to release dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. The “happy” hormones. So, the next time someone judges you for watching cartoons, tell them it’s science.

It can be incredibly difficult to break free when we get caught up in negative thinking patterns. However, by being mindful of the present moment, shifting your perspective, and actively cultivating gratitude and appreciation, you can break this cycle and return to the positive and beautiful reality around you every day.